CALL US: 319-931-0500
You choose your location, you choose your home, we help you live your best life.
What we do?
Easy living.
NEW homes
Community management
New paved streets
New paved off-street parking
Garages OR Lawn sheds on each lot
Low taxes ($200-300/yr)
Low maintenance
Access to Mt. Pleasant trail system
Close to everything
Interstate, schools, employment,
groceries, retail, churches
What's included in lot rental?
Lawn mowing
Snow removal
Mailboxes provided
Weekly trash pick-up
To ensure pleasant and enjoyable surroundings, every effort will be made by Robin Run, LLC to make certain that the Uniform Community Guidelines are reasonable and that the safety and comfort of all homeowners, occupants and guests is not jeopardized. Reasonable, fair and uniform application of these rules and regulations is the committed responsibility of Robin Run, LLC.
Advertising and Soliciting
Advertising, soliciting or delivering handbills by homeowners or unauthorized individuals is prohibited. A commercial enterprise or business that violates local, county or state zoning ordinances is prohibited to conduct business in the Community. An exception may be made by the Community in the case of homeowners’ children soliciting for school events and youth clubs (such as Girl/Boy Scouts). Please contact the Community in advance about any such activities.
Amenities in the community are maintained as a service to all homeowners and shall be treated with respect. Your cooperation in keeping the facilities clean and serviceable is essential and appreciated. Irregularities in the operation of these amenities should be immediately reported to the Community.
Homeowners and their guests using the Community facilities or amenities do so at their own risk. The Community will not be responsible for loss of any kind, injury, or accident connected with such use.
Clotheslines or lines of any kind are prohibited. Towels, rugs, wearing apparel or other forms of laundry of any description are prohibited to be hung outside the home.
Community Entrance and Streets
Bicycles, skateboards, scooters, hover boards or roller skates are prohibited to be ridden in the entranceway of the Community at any time. Children are prohibited to play in the streets
All complaints regarding the Community, neighbors, staff, etc. shall be made in written form. The Community recommends that homeowner first attempt to resolve any problems or misunderstanding directly by civil and courteous discussion with fellow homeowners. If that attempt fails, then residents may submit a written complaint to community management. A response and proposed resolution to the problem will be issued within fifteen (15) days of the community’s receipt of your complaint
Delinquent Lease Fee and/or Additional Service Fee, and Legal Notices
Home site lease fees are due and payable in advance on the first (1st) day of each month by mail. Community management suggests direct deposit (ACH) for a monthly discount on rent.
Homeowners not paying within two (2) working days of due date will receive a $50 late charge/service fee and will be sent a legal notice for non-payment of rent. A guideline will accompany the legal notice with instructions to be followed. Delinquent payments not paid in full within four (4) working days following the receipt of “Notice to Quit” shall cause legal action to be instituted by Community management. In the event the Community determines a homeowner to be delinquent in payments, in default of the lease agreement, or in violation of these Uniform Community Guidelines, the Community may commence proceedings against the homeowner in a court of proper jurisdiction.
In addition to delinquent lease fee payment, late charges and service fees, additional non-refundable fees and/or charges may be added to cover all expenses and costs reasonably related to such proceedings. (AKA legal fees)
The discharge of any firearm, bow and arrow, slingshot, air gun, or any type of weapon that shoots any type of projectile with force is prohibited within the community.
Homeowners with fireplaces may store a quantity of firewood not to exceed one (1) face cord. Firewood shall be stored in a neat and orderly manner at least one (1) foot off of the ground, outside the home, or a stand constructed of metal or treated lumber. The storage area shall be placed away from public view.
Fireworks and Open Fires
Fireworks, sparklers, and open fires are prohibited within the Community.
Garbage and Refuse Pickup
Residents are required to keep their home sites free from health and fire hazards. Garbage pickup will be furnished to every homesite once each week. When there is a holiday during the week, the pickup will be made on the day following the normal pickup day. Refuse is to be placed at curb site no sooner then the evening prior to the designated pickup day. The Community will notify residents of their designated pickup day.
The garbage and trash collection service company will provide each homesite with a 90 gallon trash receptacle. Refuse containers are to have tight fitting lids and shall be kept clean and free of insects.
All papers and garbage bags shall be stored in the shed or garage, away from public view, between refuse pickup days. Disposable diapers, tampons and sanitary napkins shall be placed in refuse containers (not toilets). Newspapers or magazines that are not already in containers shall be tied with twine.
Homeowners shall arrange for the removal of large bulky items at their own expense.
Heat Tape
Heat tapes and water lines shall/should be checked before November 1st to assure proper working order. If heat tape is found to be defective, homeowner is responsible for the purchase and installation of a new heat tape.
Water lines shall/should be wrapped with electric heat tape and insulation and shall be kept in good working condition. Heat tape shall reach from the underside of homes’ water connection, around freeze plate on water meter, and at end of water shut off valve to a maximum of eighteen (18) inches below ground level at the crock.
Damage caused to water meter or Community water lines due to homeowner’s negligence shall be repaired at the expense of the homeowner.
Home Address Sign
Home address numbers shall be placed on the home by the Community.
Home Improvements
Homeowners shall not make alterations to the home site without the Community’s written consent. The Community shall be provided a sketch of any proposed home improvements, i.e. porch, deck, carport, awning, shed, patio or other home addition indicating requested location, setback distances, and sizes. “Iowa One Call” or any other utility companies must be called to mark the location of their cables before excavation occurs.
If the homeowner shall opt to remove any of the approved structure, the site shall be restored to its original condition.
Unless performed by the homeowner, all work on homes shall be performed by licensed, insured contractors. Homeowner shall be responsible for paying the expense of any required building permits and applicable taxes for such improvements. The Community has established guidelines with regard to the most common improvements. These guidelines are intended to assist you with your planning and applicable permits.
Home Site
When a home site is leased for the first time (i.e., no home has ever been on the home site), the Community will provide each home site with the following:
Underground utility lines to the site for water, electrical and sewer hookups.Homeowners incur the cost of connecting their homes to the provided utility hookups.
600 square feet of cement flatwork for driveway and walks
Up to 38 foundation piers
Grass or sod to cover the site
House number sign
Additional square feet of cement flatwork and foundation piers will be provided on request and at an additional cost to the homeowner.
Each homeowner shall keep the home site neat and free of litter. Storage under the home or on the site of boxes, cans, bottles, trash, garbage, equipment or objects which constitute a fire or health hazard or an unsightly appearance is prohibited. Fluorescent or outlandish colors of homes, sheds
or decks are also prohibited.
Outside storage is prohibited around the home site except for portable grills, or permanent type lawn furniture such as wooden picnic tables and chairs, or wrought iron seats. Outside furniture shall be kept in good repair and painted. All tools, lawn mowers, toys and bikes, etc. shall be kept in the utility shed or garage when not in use. Newspaper boxes shall not be affixed to home. Garden hoses shall be kept on hose reels or hangers and shall be attached to the home or shed, or stored inside the shed or garage. Garden hoses shall be shut off and stored inside for the winter.
Home Standards
New Home Sales and Set-up - Only new homes purchased (previously untitled) from Davis Homes, LLC, Mt Pleasant, IA, qualify for placement and set-up on home site. All homes must be HUD coded and must meet the architectural standards set forth in these Uniform Community Guidelines.
It is the prospective homeowner’s responsibility to locate and negotiate an acceptable contract for their home, arrange for the delivery and set-up of the home in accordance with manufacturer’s specifications on the home site and handle all repairs and warranty claims. These items should be handled by the homeowner through Davis Homes, LLC.
Prospective homeowners are also responsible for contacting all utilities to arrange for electric, telephone and cable television service. Refuse pickup is arranged by the Community.
Architectural Controls - In order to preserve the quality and consistency of the homes in the Community, a list of architectural controls have been established for any home which is to be placed in the Community. The final decision as to a home’s acceptability for placement in the Community rests solely with the Community. The architectural controls include the following:
Home size - Homes shall be single or multi-section. The minimum exterior dimensions are 14 feet wide by 40 feet deep. The maximum home dimensions are 30 feet wide by 76 feet deep (subject to suitability of site).
Roof pitch and materials - Homes in Robin Run, LLC must have a minimum 3/12 roof pitch. The roofing material shall be composite shingles.
Siding materials and colors - All homes shall have at least horizontal lap vinyl siding or better grade such as LP/Composite. Exterior siding and shutter colors must be approved by the Community in writing.
Skirting - All homes must have stone skirting within sixty (60) days of occupancy.
Fences - No fencing is permitted on any home site.
Awnings - Prohibited
Elevation Facing Street - The elevation of the home facing the street shall include a minimum of eighteen (18) square feet of window exposure. All windows shall have shutters or lineal (vinyl window surround). The street-facing elevations of all homes shall be approved by the Community in writing prior to ordering the home.
Patios, Porches and Decks - Patios, porches and decks are encouraged. All plans must be submitted to the community for written approval prior to installation. All porch, patio and deck trim on feature sites must be painted to match or compliment the exterior color of the home. All entry steps must be enclosed (at the bottom) and are to be constructed of wood or concrete. Steps must have handrails and conform to local building codes.
Garages and Sheds - All homes must have either a garage or utility shed installed within ninety (90) days of occupancy. Only one (1) utility shed shall be permitted for each homesite. It shall be kept in good repair and in a neat and orderly condition at all times. All shed designs and requested placement shall be submitted for approval, prior to construction. Sheds shall be constructed of wood and sided with vinyl to match or compliment the exterior of the home. Murals and/or other artistry on sheds are prohibited. The size of a shed shall not be smaller than 10' x 10'. Placement of shed shall be at least four (4) unobstructed feet from the home. Sheds shall be at least ten (10) feet from the adjacent home or that home’s attached structure. If electrical service is extended to the shed, it shall be buried in conduit. Exposed cords between the home and the shed are prohibited. Garages shall not be less than 14'x 22' with side walls not to exceed 10'.
Home site Orientation and Installation - To assure compliance with Community requirements, no home shall be brought on home site or set up without prior written Community approval. Potential homeowners shall submit a written site plan and home elevations describing the home, all accessory structures, and their desired location on the home site. In addition, the following information evidencing compliance with these covenants shall be submitted for Community approval prior to ordering a home:
1. Site Plan drawn to scale including:
(a) Home site dimensions (available from manager)
(b) Size, dimensions and location of home, accessory structures, walks and drives
2. Home plan and elevation views
3. Pier diagram
These documents must be signed by the potential homeowner. Site alterations will be at the expense of the homeowner and paid for in full prior to installation. Changes to approved plans must be approved in writing by the management. Community will be responsible for flagging/staking locations on home site. All homes must be located at least 2 inches away from concrete drives and walks to prevent damage due to frost heave.
Air-conditioning systems - Central air-conditioning units shall be located on solid surface in an inconspicuous area. Window air-conditioners are not permitted.
Transportation systems – Hitches/tongues must be removed prior to occupancy and stored under the home. Axles and tires must be removed.
Windows and exterior doors - All windows shall have shutters or lineal (vinyl window surrounds). Front entry doors shall be multi-paneled steel doors with or without windows. All rear doors must be steel and have a storm door.
Fireplaces - Electric and wood fireplaces are permitted provided they have a glass enclosure. All fireplaces and chimneys must meet local codes and exposed stacks must be sheathed in decorate material matching the exterior of the home or approved by the Community.
Plumbing and heating - Homes must be wired and plumbed for a washer and dryer. A water shut off must be located inside the home near the hot water heater. Each home shall have at least one frost-free exterior water faucet. The furnace must have a separate close-off door unless it is located in a utility room with a door.
Utility Connections - Utility connections for electrical, water, sewer within the home are the sole responsibility of the homeowner. They are to be maintained in a good, safe and leak proof condition at all times. Approved piping shall be used for any gas and water line. Any tampering or altering of these connections is strictly forbidden. The outside main electrical line to the home must meet local code. All sewer connections from the home to the sewer riser must be, at a minimum, schedule 40 PVC. Water service to the home shall be connected by semi-rigid tubing, such as copper tubing or approved PVC piping. Any service work done on the utilities must be done by the utility company or a licensed service company. All homeowners are responsible for having a heat tape in proper working order to protect their water line, water riser, and water meter from freezing. The cost of relocating any utilities on the home site (including meter pedestals) shall be paid by the homeowner.
Fire safety - Homes must have working fire extinguishers and smoke detectors.
Antennas and satellite dishes - Digital satellite systems are allowed under the following conditions: The satellite dishes must be under 20 inches in diameter, the dish must be placed on the home, garage or shed in an unobtrusive place. TV, CB or HAM radio antennas or towers are NOT permitted.
Cable television hook-ups - Installation of television cable is the responsibility of the homeowner. The local cable company will advise you of the services available and costs. Installation is required from underneath home NOT into side of home.
Wheelchair ramps - All plans must be submitted to the Community for written approval prior to installation.
Steps - Steps must have minimal top platform of 38" x 38", handrails on all exposed sides (two side rails or one side rail and one back rail). All steps must fall a minimum of 2" to a maximum of 7" below the door. Steps must be constructed as follows: fiberglass, wood, composite or concrete.
The Community reserves the right to reject certain species of trees or shrubs as unsuitable for planting on a home site. SPECIFICALLY; not limited to, Willow, Cottonwood and any other variety from the family of POPLAR trees.
Shrubs or trees or similar obstructions shall not be erected or maintained which will obstruct traffic vision nor should plantings or decorator items be placed within five (5) feet of the curb, electric pedestal, or the home next to it.
NOTE: Of necessity, home sites contain extensive underground power cables. Any digging, without knowledge and permission of the Community could be dangerous. Homeowners will be held liable for any damage. When requesting Community approval, homeowners MUST provide the Community with a sketch and description of the location and depth for which excavation is planned. No permission for digging or excavation by the homeowner will be given unless the homeowner has first called Iowa One Call and utility companies.
Plantings will require edging as it is the responsibility of the Community to mow around landscaping.
Lawns will be mowed by the community and are to be raked, seeded, fertilized and properly watered to maintain a healthy and attractive appearance. This also includes cleaning grass and weeds out of cracks of sidewalks, patios and parking spaces. Grass shall be trimmed by homeowner around all four (4) sides of home and pedestal. Grass clippings, leaves and other yard refuse must not be swept into the streets, walks, over fences, into ditches or into the wooded areas surrounding the community. Robin Run will provide a corporate are for these items.
In the event a homeowner fails to maintain his/her home site as required, a Uniform Community Guideline violation notice shall be issued. If not corrected as requested, the Community has the right to enter the home site and perform any and all necessary maintenance as permitted by law. The costs incurred as a result of said maintenance (i.e., trimming, repairs, clean up) shall be charged to the homeowner and payable in addition to the following month’s lease fee.
As a courtesy to other homeowners in the Community, children must not trespass on another homeowner’s lawn or home site. Any damage caused to homeowner’s lawn or the lawn of another homeowner, due to the negligence of homeowner, homeowner’s children or their guests, will be homeowner’s responsibility to repair and/or replace.
Home and Liability
It is recommended that each homeowner procure a comprehensive home insurance policy, insuring their home against loss or damage. It is also recommended that each homeowner include liability coverage for personal injuries which may occur around the homesite or within the home.
Motorcycles can be ridden in the Community but only to go to and from a homesite by the homeowner of that homesite.
Mini-bikes, motor-scooters, go-carts, dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles, snowmobiles
Mini-bikes, motor-scooters, go-carts, dirt bikes, all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles are prohibited to be operated or stored within the Community.
Noise Control
It is requested that all homeowners respect the rights of others to enjoy the quiet and peaceful use of the Community.
The use of excessively loud talking or shouting, abusive language, radios, televisions, stereos or other disturbing noises is prohibited within the Community during quiet hours. Interference with the quiet enjoyment of other homeowners in the Community is just cause for termination.
Parking in the street is prohibited.
All streets in the Community are fire lanes and must be kept clear for fire, ambulance and emergency vehicles. When occasional parking needs exceed the space available on a homesite, homeowners should park in designated community parking.
In some cases, additional parking may be installed at the homeowner’s sole expense provided that the homeowner has obtained Community approval and the proposal is not in violation of local and state regulations.
Payments, Fees and Penalties
See Attachment A for “Payments, Fees and Penalties” schedule.
Personal Health and Fire Safety
We request that all Homeowners and their guests comply with the following guidelines:
All Homeowners are advised to exercise proper care and safety to help prevent accidents.Please note that parents or guardians are responsible for the actions of their children.
Homeowners are always responsible for the actions of their guests.
Please take extra care when around any body of water (lake, pond, reservoir, etc.)within the Community.
All homes are to be kept free from fire hazards.For safety, do not store combustible materials, gas-powered lawn mowers, etc. under or adjacent to the home or deck.
Paints, thinners, solvents, industrial and photographic chemicals and oils should not be disposed of by pouring down the drain.Please dispose of these items according to State Law.
It is each Homeowner’s responsibility to monitor radio and/or television for severe weather warnings.There are no government approved shelters within the Community.It is recommended that you have a pre-arranged shelter, such as a friend’s or relative’s home which has a basement, in case of emergency.
Adherence to “Stop”, “10 M.P.H.”, and other signs of this nature is required.
The selling, possession or use of illegal drugs and the driving of vehicles under the influence of drugs or alcohol within the Community is prohibited.
Firearms, bows or any other weapons of any kind are not permitted to be displayed or otherwise visible within the Community.
Resident shall furnish Community with the name, address and telephone number of a person to be notified in case of an emergency.
All homeowners are required to obey all federal, state and local Public Safety and Health regulations.
Parking is permitted only in designated on-site and community parking areas.On-street parking is not allowed.
The Community will provide each homesite with a street number to be affixed to the home. Please keep all vegetation trimmed so that the house number is plainly visible from the street.
Actions which interfere with the health, safety or welfare of the Community, its employees or homeowners are just cause for termination of tenancy under Iowa law.
Farm classified animals or exotic pets are not permitted. Only domesticated dogs and cats are allowed. All pets must be licensed and immunized in accordance with state and local laws.
The Community retains the right to refuse breeds and individual animals which it believes, in its sole discretion, possess aggressive behavior or ill temperament.
Pet owners should consider the health and happiness of their pet. The following should be considered:
Pets are not allowed to run loose in the Community and be kept on a leash and accompanied by an adult whenever outside the home.
Pets are not to be left outside the home unattended.
Pets found running loose may be caught and turned over to the local animal control department.
Noisy or unruly pets or those which cause legitimate complaints will not be allowed to remain in the Community.Barking must be kept under control at all times.
Community grounds may be used for walking pets, provided pets’ waste is removed ().Pets may be allowed access to other homeowners’ homesites, with homeowner’s consent.
Damage to yards and/or landscaping caused by pets must be repaired by the homeowner at his/her expense.
Doghouses, pens or other types of animal shelters are not allowed on homeowner’s homesite.
Visiting pets must conform to all Community pet policies.
Placement of Home and Appurtenances on Home site Community will be responsible for flagging/staking the location of home and appurtenances on the homesite.
Recreational Equipment
Boats, motor homes, un-mounted truck campers/caps, all-terrain vehicles, snow mobiles or trailers of any kind are prohibited on the homesite or in Community parking areas. These items shall be kept or stored outside the Community.
Recreational vehicles are prohibited to be used for camping within the Community. Tents are prohibited to be erected on homesites for more than a 24-hour period so as not to kill the grass. When tents are erected, please place them away from public view.
When bringing a trailer, motor home or boat into the Community for loading, unloading or cleaning, please notify the Community office. Parking of such vehicles at the homesite is limited to a 24-hour time period.
Homeowner Application for Leasing Homesite
All prospective homeowners shall pick up and return a signed application form prior to final purchase of their home. A copy of homeowner’s title shall be submitted to the Community office within a reasonable time after purchase of home. New homeowners shall sign all move-in documentation at the time of home settlement for desired home or homesite.
The Community reserves the right to refuse any home that does not meet the standards of the Uniform Community Guidelines.
Resale or Transfer of Home
Home sites are non-transferrable. Renting or subletting of home and homesite is strictly prohibited. A homeowner may resell the home on its site within the community as long as the home meets community home standards. If the home does not meet these standards, it shall be brought into conformance with Community standards or be removed from the community. Resale inspection requirements are available upon request. Only those persons whose names appear on the title and are homeowners can apply to resell the home.
Homeowners shall provide the Community with a written thirty (30) day notice of selling their home and/or having their home removed from the Community. If the home is occupying the site as of the first (1st) of the month, the resident will be responsible for the full month site payment. All utilities shall be paid in full prior to removing the home from community property.
A home shall not be allowed to remain on site nor shall the homesite be transferred to a buyer without a resale authorization and approval of the Community prior to selling. Prospective homeowners will not be approved if the home has not been inspected and approved for resale. A fee is charged for this inspection. The homeowner or person showing the home shall ensure that the home complies with all inspection requirements. Resale inspection approval is only valid for six (6) months. If a home has not been sold and resale authorization time has expired, homeowner shall reapply for resale authorization. The exterior of the home shall be clean, neat and attractive.
One (1) “For Sale” sign shall be permitted in the window of the home (not to exceed 18" x 24" in size). Signs not in compliance with these requirements shall be removed.
Prior to finalizing the sale of the home, after seller receives resale authorization approval, the prospective purchaser shall apply for the homesite and pay all applicable fees and deposits. Qualification for acceptance of the purchaser into the Community shall be based upon the acceptance by management of purchaser’s credit report and income verification, and purchaser’s acceptance of Community rules and regulations. See “Registration” for additional guidelines.
A homeowner who has been evicted may have up to 90 days to sell their home within the Community. The Community may permit the home to remain for resale in the Community if the home is within Community standards. If the home has not been sold, it shall be removed at the expense of the owner.
Right of Entry Onto Home Site
The Community reserves an easement to enter upon the homesite hereby leased at any time for the purpose of installing, inspecting, maintaining or replacing pipes, drainage systems, sewage systems, fences, electric lines, telephone lines, television cables or any other facility, or for the purpose of inspecting any part of the premises in order to determine if the Uniform Community Guidelines are being observed.
Security Deposit - Home site
A security deposit is required and will be double the current lot rent.
To preserve the aesthetic nature of the Community, any signage posted on or about the premises is strictly prohibited. Such prohibited signage shall include, but is not limited to, political signs, advertisements, and notices.
Homeowners selling their home are permitted to display one (1) “For Sale” sign in the window of the home not exceeding 18" x 24" in size.
Signs that are not in compliance with this Section shall be removed from the homesite. The resident is ultimately responsible for any and all signage on or about their premises regardless of who initially posted such signage.
Snow Removal
The Community shall be responsible for plowing snow from Community streets only. Removal of snow and ice on driveways, sidewalks, steps and patios of the individual homesites is the responsibility of the resident. Homeowners who shovel or blow snow into the street shall receive a rule violation notice. If not corrected as requested, the Community reserves the right to charge a fee to remove excess snow from the street.
Termination of Lease
A homeowner or occupant who has violated a Uniform Community Guideline may be contacted by means of a visit, a telephone call, a notice or a letter. If the violation is continually repeated (more than three [3] times for the same infraction within a twelve [12] month period) eviction proceedings may begin. Community is the sole judge of cause for such action and eviction proceedings shall be used only when other methods have failed. Ignorance of a Uniform Community Guideline will not be accepted as an excuse. For all lease payments, late charges, and other fees, refer to Attachment A (“Payment, Fees Schedule”).
Homeowner or occupants may be evicted based on “just cause for termination” of their lease. The following criteria are the basis for “just cause for termination”:
1) Homeowner’s or occupant use of homesite for unlawful purposes
2) Failure by the homeowner to comply with a lease or agreement of the community or with a rule or regulation of the Uniform Community Guidelines which Community adopted under the lease or agreement, which guideline is reasonably related to the following:
a) The health, safety or welfare of the Community, its employees/owners, homeowners or occupants;
b) The quiet enjoyment of the other homeowners or occupants of the Community;
c) Maintaining the physical condition or appearance of the Community, the homeowner’s home or the homeowner’s homesite.
3) A violation by the homeowner or occupant of the rules of the Iowa Department of Health.
4) Intentional physical injury by the homeowner or occupant to the Community staff/owner or other homeowner or occupant of the Community or intentional physical damage by the homeowner or occupant to the property of the Community or its other residents.
5) Failure of the homeowner or occupant to comply with a local ordinance, state law, or governmental rule or regulation relating to manufactured homes.
6) Failure of the homeowner or occupant to pay lease fees or other charges under the lease agreement on time on three (3) or more occasions during any twelve (12) month period, for which the Community has served a written demand for possession for non-payment of lease fee and the homeowner has failed or refused to pay the lease fee or other related charges within the time period stated in this written demand for possession.
Conduct by the homeowner or occupant upon Community premises which is a substantial annoyance to other homeowners or occupants or to the Community, after notice and an opportunity to cure.
8) Failure of the homeowner to maintain his/her home or homesite in a reasonable condition consistent with aesthetics appropriate to the Community.
9) Condemnation of the Community, or portions thereof.
Changes in the use or substantive nature of the Community.
Public health and safety violations by the homeowner or occupant.
Traffic and Vehicle Regulations
All traffic regulations shall be observed & obeyed throughout the Community. A 15-mile per
hour speed limit is required. Homeowners shall be held responsible for actions of their guests.
Adherence to all signs such as “Children Playing”, “Stop”, “10 MPH” and other signs of this nature shall be enforced.
On-street parking is prohibited.
Utilities -Repairs and Maintenance
The Community shall be responsible for the proper maintenance and repair of all sewer and water service lines below ground level. Homeowners shall be responsible for any damage and repairs above the ground. Utility companies such as telephone, gas and electric are responsible for their individual underground lines leading to all home sites.
Damage of any below ground improvements caused by homeowner due to malfunctioning heat tapes, plumbing work or digging, will be repaired by The Community or its contractor, and the expense for such repair shall be charged to the homeowner. In addition, the cost of repairs becomes that of the homeowner for blockage of a sewer line resulting from items discarded into the sewer by homeowner. If the home site is damaged it must be returned to original condition at homeowner’s expense
Vehicles kept on the home site or in the Community parking areas shall have current license plates or tags, shall be operable and not leaking fluids.
Large trucks, such as stake, semi, cement, step-vans, etc. shall not be parked on the homesite or in the Community parking areas. Unattended vehicles, which are “For Sale” are prohibited to be stored in the Community parking areas.
As permitted by law, management reserves the right to remove parked vehicles in violation of these rules and regulations and further reserves the right to remove inoperable vehicles or vehicles without current license plates or tabs. All costs for such removal shall be paid by the homeowner.
Vehicle Washing and Repairing
Vehicles may be washed on home site driveways. Loud exhausts and flat tires shall be repaired immediately. Minor repairing of vehicles, such as changing tires, spark plugs, fan belts, battery charging, etc. is permitted. Vehicles must not be put on ramps or blocks. Repairs such as oil changes, replacing mufflers, brakes, transmissions, engines, body refinishing, etc. are prohibited. Vehicles dripping oil or other fluids shall be immediately repaired and the unsightly deposits shall be completely removed at homeowner’s expense.
Window Treatments
Only curtains, blinds or shades may be used as window treatments. The use of sheets, blankets, newspapers, tin foil or other like materials in windows is prohibited. Broken windows shall be immediately repaired or replaced.
Winterizing the Home
Winterizing of homes (such as using plastic for storm windows) shall be done to the interior of the home. Temporary exterior attachments of any nature are prohibited. Homes left vacant for extended periods during the winter months should be winterized by a licensed and insured service company.
A water supply protection device such as heat tape shall be installed at the time the home is sited and replaced when necessary to prevent the freezing of service lines, meters, valves and riser pipes. Heat tapes shall be plugged in by November 1 and remain so until May 1 of the succeeding year.
Heat tape shall be kept in good working condition. Heat tape shall reach from the underside of home water connection, around freeze plate on water meter and end at water shut off valve to a maximum of eighteen (18) inches below the ground level in the water pit. Damage caused to water meter or water lines due to negligence shall be repaired at homeowner’s expense.
Yard Sales
Lone individual homeowner yard sales are prohibited. Collective homeowner Community-wide yard sales will be allowed at designated times during the spring, summer and fall periods. Such dates will be posted at the Community Center.
In Conclusion
Robin Run, LLC, reserves the right to revise, amend or modify the contents of these rules and regulations. Homeowners shall be notified of any rule revision thirty (30) days prior to the date that the revision or addition becomes effective. A copy of the revision or addition will be available in the Community office. It is understood that the mailing of the revision or addition to the rules to each homesite and posting of the revision or addition to the rules in the Community office shall be sufficient notification.
The Community is not responsible for accidents or injuries to homeowners, their family members or guests who may occur within the Community, except for management’s failure to perform a duty or negligent performance of a duty as imposed by law. Furthermore, damaged or lost property resulting from fire, theft, wind, floods or any other act of God, which is beyond the control of the Community, is also specifically disclaimed except for the Community’s failure to perform a duty or negligent performance of a duty as imposed by law. A copy of the Buyers’ and Residents’ Handbook explaining specific rights and responsibilities is available upon request.
We thank you for choosing Robin Run for your community and hope that it will be an enjoyable and rewarding lifestyle.
Effective Date: May 1, 2018